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A Message from Erin Mills Pet Hospital on COVID risks

By March 16, 2020 Uncategorized

As a patient at Erin Mills Pet Hospital, your pet’s health is our top priority. We are monitoring the spread of COVID-19 and we are aware of the dangers it represents. Our regular infection control program (high level sterilization) does not permit the spread of viruses or bacteria, so our clinic remains safe. Unlike most public spaces, we are constantly disinfecting our workplace.
Currently we are all concerned about the risks surrounding the pandemic Coronavirus.
We continue to be open for regular consultations. However, should staff become ill we would be required to consider quarantine or closure of our hospital. Also, our staff are being affected by school closures, loss of daycare spots etc. and so we may not have our full complement of all staff. We appreciate your patience during these uncertain times, and we will continue to do our utmost to support our clients safely.

Therefore we ask all our clients to consider the following:
If you have an upcoming scheduled appointment or intend on visiting the clinic in the near future please be aware of our current patient policy:

If you currently have:

1. Fever,
2. Cough and/or
3. Difficulty breathing,
4. or have travelled internationally

Please DO NOT COME to the clinic. For our staff and patient’s safety – All patients will be screened and asked the above questions. Instead, please call to reschedule your upcoming appointment. You will be given PRIORITY for a new appointment 14 days after your return from travel or the symptoms have resolved.
We are also happy to come to your vehicle with your pet’s food or prescription order so that you do not need to come in to the clinic, just call us from your vehicle when you arrive.
Please remember our on-line food ordering service is available to you for home orders:

Help us to all stay healthy! Wash your hands regularly!
To date there is no evidence that our companion animals are a source of Covid 19 to humans, therefore there is no reason to take measures towards our pets at this time.

One Comment

  • Cathie Mellerup says:

    I am considering changing my pet to a larger vet with multiple vets and other support staff. You look like you may be a fit for our needs with the services you offer and the staff shown.

    Can you please tell me what your policy is with respect to Covid 19 vaccinations for your staff. We have done our part in ensuring we are both fully vaccinated and I am looking for a clinic that is demonstrating the same responsibility.

    Many thanks

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